Partnership in Reentry Coalition of Delaware (PIRCOD)

Partnership in Reentry Coalition of Delaware, (PIRCOD) is a consortium of community, state and faith-based organizations, who have a vested interest in providing a continuum of resources and services to support individuals coming out of incarceration. Primary attention is given to creating educational awareness in our communities around the significance of reducing recidivism and mitigating the barriers associated with addiction, homelessness, behavioral health, domestic violence, employment, family engagement, education, licensing, acquiring identification, transportation and legislation, which impacts one’s ability to successfully transition into their perspective communities.

Contact for more information.

PIRCOD Meetings are scheduled each month. Please join us!

  • Sussex County:
    3rd Tuesday of the month, 2:30 -4:00pm @ the Thurman Adams State Service Center, Georgetown
  • New Castle County:
    3rd Thursday of the month, 2:30 to 4:00 pm @ Goodwill of Delaware, Wilmington
  • Kent County:
    4th Wednesday of the month, 9:30 to 11:00am @ George V. Massey Station, Dover