Plummer Community Corrections Center
Dorene Fields, Warden
Wayne Wilson, Deputy Warden
Wilmington, DE 19802
phone: (302) 761-2800
fax: (302) 577-2849

PCCC also operates community work projects that provide service to the local community, including clean up, snow removal, small repairs and other supervised work. Newly received work release offenders in orientation phase and weekenders are assigned to community service projects. A typical weekender is serving time for DUI or under Family Court commitment. They remain at PCCC from 6:00 p.m. Friday to 6:00 p.m. Sunday. This is done in an effort to teach offenders responsibility and provide a measure of reparation to the community.
Work Release
Work Release provides a structured program that allows gradual transition from prison life to full-time living in the community and diversion options for the courts. This program presents an opportunity and means for the reintegration of offenders through participation in work, education, court mandated and voluntary treatment, training and skills building and counseling programs, while the Department maintains the safety of the public.
An offender enters the work release program by order of a court or is classified to participate by DOC officials. Offenders normally stay in work release less than one year, with the average stay of four to six months. Work release participants typically work for private employers. They must display pro-social behaviors such as honesty, responsibility and accountability. Random substance abuse testing is mandatory throughout their stay at PCCC. While employed full-time, offenders must pay a $25 per week room and board fee and $25 toward any court obligations that include costs, fines, child support and victim compensation. Persons working part-time pay $15 per weekly for the same obligations.
Through an established "Phase System" (Phase I - VI), offenders are permitted to spend time with an approved host, and to attend worship service, take care of personal shopping, etc. As they progress through the phases, they are granted increased freedom and responsibility. Routine and random curfew checks are conducted and occasional home visits.