Bureau of Prison
Robert May, Bureau Chief
Kolawole Akinbayo, Deputy Bureau Chief

Bureau of Prison's vision is to use effective strategies to keep communities and facilities safe. These strategies include the risk, needs, and classification process, evidence-based programming, and accountability through compliance and accreditation.
- Protection for the public through incarceration of the offender.
- Protection for the public through rehabilitation of the offender to prevent future crime.
- A safe and humane living environment for the incarcerated offender.
- A safe and appropriate working environment for staff.
- A range of correctional programs necessary to meet the needs of both society and the individual
while implementing court-ordered sanctions in the least restrictive environment consistent with public safety.
The Bureau oversees all four adult correctional facilities within the State:
- Baylor Women's Correctional Institution
- Howard R. Young Correctional Institution
- James T. Vaughn Correctional Center
- Sussex Correctional Institution
The Bureau is also responsible for several specialized units, teams or programs, as listed below:
- Food Services
- Facilities Maintenance
- Steven R. Floyd, Sr. Training Academy
- Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) develops and implements security programs for institutions based on facility needs. CERT trains and develops selected groups of staff to perform advanced, high-risk or community operations. CERT acts as technical advisors to Wardens and provides tactical responses during emergency situations. CERT also assists with escapee/erroneous release operations.
- Quick Response Teams (QRT) provide institutions with a first response capability that can quickly quell a disturbance. Early responses can reduce the possibility of staff/offender injuries.
- Escapee Recovery Teams (ERTs) provide the Bureau with personnel trained to manage and complete escapee – erroneous release recovery operations within the community.
- K-9 Unit provides enhanced institutional security and a drug interdiction capability. The K-9 training regimen includes on-going proficiency training, narcotic drug detection, offender disturbance control, perimeter security, evidence collection, escapee apprehension and crowd control, as well as basic training. Upon completion of training, teams are certified at the Police Dog I standard under guidelines established by the United States Police Canine Association (USPCA).
- Mobile Command Post supports the management of escape, hostage and riot situations in both prison and community operations, maintains multiple communication capabilities, and provides officers on-board computers with access to law enforcement networks and mapping.
- Court and Transportation manages the offender transportation unit and is responsible for the transportation of all DOC offenders to court appearances, and for the transfer of offenders from one facility to another.
- Video/teleconferencing equipment usage continues to expand. Video-conferencing allows an offender to take part in a court proceeding without having to leave the secured confines of a correctional facility. The offender's attorney can either be present at the correctional facility or in the courtroom. The offender can see and hear the proceedings through a television monitor. Likewise, the court can see and hear communications from the facility. The use of video-conferencing reduces court and transportation costs while increasing public safety. Increasing the use of video-conferencing means fewer offenders are leaving the correctional facility.
Delaware Correctional Industries (DCI) is a unit within the Bureau of Prisons. DCI utilizes offender labor, along with supervisors and administrative staff, to provide products and services to state agencies and other entities.
DCI's products and services are available for purchase by state agencies, schools, universities, non-profit organizations and citizens of Delaware.