Office of the Commissioner
Terra Taylor, Commissioner Shane Troxler, Deputy Commissioner
VISION The vision of the Office of the Commissioner is that DOC's facilities will be safe, secure, harmonious work environments that are adequately staffed as a result of data obtained by the Delaware Staffing Analysis Team's analysis using the National Institute of Correction model. They also envision that every offender will have an offender treatment plan developed that will consist of treatment, vocational/employment training, education, and/or training.

Commissioner Taylor has served the Delaware Department of Correction for 26 years, originally joining the Department in 1997 as a Home Confinement support employee and a college intern. In 1999 she completed Academy training and became a Probation and Parole Officer, specializing in domestic violence and sex offender supervision. She was promoted to Probation and Parole Supervisor in 2011 with responsibility over Electronic Monitoring, Sex Offenders, Intake, the I-ADAPT reentry program, and Interstate Compact. She was further promoted to Operations Administrator at Dover Probation & Parole in 2014 with responsibility over the 24-hour statewide Electronic Monitoring Center and the statewide sex offender program. In 2016, Taylor was named Regional Manager responsible for all Probation and Parole activities across Kent County. She was elevated to Statewide Probation and Parole Director in 2017 with responsibility for Probation and Parole operations and programs in all three counties, where she focused on new initiatives to improve officer equipment, enhance community outreach and education, and improve communication and employee relations.
Taylor was named Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Community Corrections in November, 2019 and Chief of the Bureau of Community Corrections in August, 2021. The Bureau of Community Corrections oversees Probation and Parole, pretrial services, the community work release program, electronic monitoring and other supervision programs for more than 10,000 individuals statewide who are housed in Work Release and Violation of Probation facilities or are serving probationary sentences or court-ordered pretrial supervision in the community. The Bureau of Community Corrections has also played an active role in implementing innovative crime reduction initiatives, including the Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Projects in the City of Wilmington and Kent County. As Deputy Chief and Chief of Community Corrections, she focused on expanding the Bureau's implementation of the evidence-based Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) intervention model of supervision, opening the first statewide Community Corrections Treatment Center, and navigating the response to the COVID pandemic.
Read more about Deputy Commissioner Shane Troxler here.
The Commissioner's Office, including the executive staff, provides leadership, policy direction, moral guidance, monitoring of operations and support for ongoing activities related to the Department's mission and top priorities. Individual units within the Office of the Commissioner include:
- Human Resources/Employee Development Center
- Internal Affairs
- Community Relations
- Media Relations
- Information Technology
- Planning, Research, and Reentry Unit
- Chief of Staff